Catching up to 2018!
The last few months got away from me pretty quickly, so much so that's been over 6 months since I last posted anything here!! My original intent was to post weekly, but I've been learning some hard lessons about setting realistic expectations and goals (🤯); so, after a little recap of what's been happening, I aim to make regular posts once or twice each month...let's see if I can avoid breaking the chain! First, a little update--but where to begin? Well, the latest news is that I had the pleasure of recording a couple guitar solos for my longtime friend Tony who creates music as The Ventriloquist Mute; you can hear those solos on the songs Goddess and Listen To The Words, which both appear on his new album Revenant! Tony and I have been playing music together for over a decade, and it's always wonderful to work with him. Be sure to head over to Bandcamp and grab a copy of Revenant!
Last summer also saw the first few releases from The Overthinkers, which is a production duo that serves as a vehicle for my friend Mike McArdle and I to create all sorts of music and work with artists across all genres; check out the previous two blog posts for a bit more info on what we were up to last summer! We also recorded and produced a killer EP for our friends Poor Pie, which is due out this spring. More recently, Mike and I have been challenging ourselves to make a song a week--from first idea to final mix!--and we'll be posting some of the results soon; check out our Instagram account to be among the first to hear this initial batch of tunes from our songwriting challenge! A good chunk of 2017 went in to getting Creative Music Performance off the ground--and then crashing/hibernating for a few months! If you haven't heard about Creative Music Performance (CMP), I'd love for you to head over to the website and learn more about it! In short, it's a music empowerment program for youth; high schoolers form a band, learn and write songs, record an EP, have an album release party, and finish the program knowing what it takes to do all of these things on their own. The first two sessions were held last summer and they were AMAZING!! It took quite a lot of time and energy to set everything up, but I dare say that I'm more proud of this than any other project I've been a part of; both groups of young musicians were just phenomenal, and the group from the second session is still playing together! Given that 2018 is flying by and it's nearly time to start planning for summer camps (when you make those plans, definitely check out me!) I'll be making announcements for CMP's next season in just a couple days; follow me on Instagram to hear the news!
There's certainly more that's been going on, but this at least covers much of the large gap between blog posts! Stay tuned for more news in a few weeks!